curzon & company llp Company Information
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12-14 mason's avenue, london, EC2V 5BT
www.curzonconsulting.comcurzon & company llp Estimated Valuation
Pomanda estimates the enterprise value of CURZON & COMPANY LLP at £0 based on a Turnover of £0 and 0x industry multiple (adjusted for size and gross margin).
curzon & company llp Estimated Valuation
Pomanda estimates the enterprise value of CURZON & COMPANY LLP at £0 based on an EBITDA of £38k and a 0x industry multiple (adjusted for size and gross margin).
curzon & company llp Estimated Valuation
Pomanda estimates the enterprise value of CURZON & COMPANY LLP at £0 based on Net Assets of £723.8k and 0x industry multiple (adjusted for liquidity).
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Curzon & Company Llp Overview
Curzon & Company Llp is a live company located in london, EC2V 5BT with a Companies House number of OC305663. Founded in September 2003, it's largest shareholder is unknown. Curzon & Company Llp is a mature, unknown sized company, Pomanda has estimated its turnover at £0 with unknown growth in recent years.
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Curzon & Company Llp Health Check
There is insufficient data available to calculate a health check for Curzon & Company Llp. Company Health Check FAQs

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0 Weak

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- Curzon & Company Llp
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- Curzon & Company Llp
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- Curzon & Company Llp
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Pay Structure
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- Curzon & Company Llp
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- Curzon & Company Llp
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Debtor Days
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- Curzon & Company Llp
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Creditor Days
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- Curzon & Company Llp
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Stock Days
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- Curzon & Company Llp
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Cash Balance
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Debt Level
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- - Industry AVG

Curzon & Company Llp's latest turnover from April 2023 is estimated at 0 and the company has net assets of £723.8 thousand. According to their latest financial statements, Curzon & Company Llp has 22 employees and maintains cash reserves of £495.9 thousand as reported in the balance sheet.
Data source: Companies House, Pomanda Estimates
Apr 2023 | Apr 2022 | Apr 2021 | Apr 2020 | Apr 2019 | Apr 2018 | Apr 2017 | Apr 2016 | Apr 2015 | Apr 2014 | Apr 2013 | May 2012 | Apr 2012 | Apr 2011 | Apr 2010 | |
Turnover | |||||||||||||||
Other Income Or Grants | |||||||||||||||
Cost Of Sales | |||||||||||||||
Gross Profit | |||||||||||||||
Admin Expenses | |||||||||||||||
Operating Profit | |||||||||||||||
Interest Payable | |||||||||||||||
Interest Receivable | |||||||||||||||
Pre-Tax Profit | |||||||||||||||
Tax | |||||||||||||||
Profit After Tax | |||||||||||||||
Dividends Paid | |||||||||||||||
Retained Profit | |||||||||||||||
Employee Costs | |||||||||||||||
Number Of Employees | 22 | 24 | 24 | 23 | 21 | 20 | 15 | 12 | |||||||
* Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation
Apr 2023 | Apr 2022 | Apr 2021 | Apr 2020 | Apr 2019 | Apr 2018 | Apr 2017 | Apr 2016 | Apr 2015 | Apr 2014 | Apr 2013 | May 2012 | Apr 2012 | Apr 2011 | Apr 2010 | |
Tangible Assets | 202,890 | 152,753 | 137,553 | 169,207 | 160,005 | 221,915 | 164,716 | 149,176 | 121,681 | 159,179 | 198,089 | 155,213 | 155,213 | 114,552 | 138,195 |
Intangible Assets | 246,990 | 526,729 | 559,479 | 559,479 | 589,500 | 622,250 | |||||||||
Investments & Other | 875 | ||||||||||||||
Debtors (Due After 1 year) | |||||||||||||||
Total Fixed Assets | 202,890 | 152,753 | 137,553 | 169,207 | 160,880 | 221,915 | 164,716 | 149,176 | 121,681 | 406,169 | 724,818 | 714,692 | 714,692 | 704,052 | 760,445 |
Stock & work in progress | |||||||||||||||
Trade Debtors | 1,122,704 | 865,911 | 879,041 | 1,308,896 | 1,183,399 | 1,120,382 | 995,398 | 867,132 | 1,560,146 | 1,041,480 | 1,209,935 | 875,336 | 875,336 | 822,015 | 1,865,926 |
Group Debtors | |||||||||||||||
Misc Debtors | 282,094 | 166,916 | 355,099 | 24,093 | |||||||||||
Cash | 495,890 | 102,106 | 1,163,777 | 407,913 | 127,893 | 182,180 | 183,274 | 91,092 | 274,767 | 504,345 | 149,973 | 69,767 | 69,767 | 14,214 | 91,833 |
misc current assets | 5,210 | ||||||||||||||
total current assets | 1,623,804 | 1,250,111 | 2,209,734 | 2,071,908 | 1,311,292 | 1,302,562 | 1,178,672 | 982,317 | 1,834,913 | 1,545,825 | 1,359,908 | 945,103 | 945,103 | 836,229 | 1,957,759 |
total assets | 1,826,694 | 1,402,864 | 2,347,287 | 2,241,115 | 1,472,172 | 1,524,477 | 1,343,388 | 1,131,493 | 1,956,594 | 1,951,994 | 2,084,726 | 1,659,795 | 1,659,795 | 1,540,281 | 2,718,204 |
Bank overdraft | 55 | ||||||||||||||
Bank loan | |||||||||||||||
Trade Creditors | 490,379 | 349,015 | 510,159 | 512,139 | 436,588 | 378,291 | 405,692 | 644,144 | 1,476,290 | 1,168,113 | 1,128,458 | 872,629 | 872,630 | 829,738 | 1,216,291 |
Group/Directors Accounts | |||||||||||||||
other short term finances | |||||||||||||||
hp & lease commitments | 41,712 | 57,929 | 11,229 | 47,303 | 48,793 | 31,295 | 44,345 | 29,898 | |||||||
other current liabilities | 494,723 | 495,999 | 564,896 | 477,545 | 461,804 | 547,674 | 344,325 | 151,440 | |||||||
total current liabilities | 1,026,814 | 902,943 | 1,086,284 | 1,036,987 | 947,185 | 957,260 | 794,362 | 825,537 | 1,476,290 | 1,168,113 | 1,128,458 | 872,629 | 872,630 | 829,738 | 1,216,291 |
loans | |||||||||||||||
hp & lease commitments | 76,107 | 44,807 | 33,275 | 45,844 | 35,837 | 84,880 | 52,208 | 57,245 | |||||||
Accruals and Deferred Income | |||||||||||||||
other liabilities | 31,967 | 48,322 | 68,963 | 38,372 | 38,372 | 41,677 | 81,036 | ||||||||
provisions | |||||||||||||||
total long term liabilities | 76,107 | 44,807 | 33,275 | 45,844 | 35,837 | 84,880 | 52,208 | 57,245 | 31,967 | 48,322 | 68,963 | 38,372 | 38,372 | 41,677 | 81,036 |
total liabilities | 1,102,921 | 947,750 | 1,119,559 | 1,082,831 | 983,022 | 1,042,140 | 846,570 | 882,782 | 1,508,257 | 1,216,435 | 1,197,421 | 911,001 | 911,002 | 871,415 | 1,297,327 |
net assets | 723,773 | 455,114 | 1,227,728 | 1,158,284 | 489,150 | 482,337 | 496,818 | 248,711 | 448,337 | 735,559 | 887,305 | 748,794 | 748,793 | 668,866 | 1,420,877 |
total shareholders funds | 723,773 | 455,114 | 1,227,728 | 1,158,284 | 489,150 | 482,337 | 496,818 | 248,711 | 448,337 | 735,559 | 887,305 | 748,794 | 748,793 | 668,866 | 1,420,877 |
Apr 2023 | Apr 2022 | Apr 2021 | Apr 2020 | Apr 2019 | Apr 2018 | Apr 2017 | Apr 2016 | Apr 2015 | Apr 2014 | Apr 2013 | May 2012 | Apr 2012 | Apr 2011 | Apr 2010 | |
Operating Activities | |||||||||||||||
Operating Profit | |||||||||||||||
Depreciation | 50,722 | 38,189 | 36,162 | 46,960 | 43,386 | 35,118 | 22,146 | 16,776 | 39,573 | 31,240 | 31,131 | 31,131 | 27,743 | 15,876 | |
Amortisation | 246,990 | 16,374 | 32,751 | 30,021 | 30,021 | 32,750 | 32,750 | ||||||||
Tax | |||||||||||||||
Stock | |||||||||||||||
Debtors | -25,301 | 102,048 | -618,038 | 480,596 | 63,017 | 124,984 | 104,173 | -668,921 | 518,666 | -168,455 | 334,599 | 53,321 | 53,321 | -1,043,911 | 1,865,926 |
Creditors | 141,364 | -161,144 | -1,980 | 75,551 | 58,297 | -27,401 | -238,452 | -832,146 | 308,177 | 39,655 | 255,829 | 42,891 | 42,892 | -386,553 | 1,216,291 |
Accruals and Deferred Income | -1,276 | -68,897 | 87,351 | 15,741 | -85,870 | 203,349 | 192,885 | 151,440 | |||||||
Deferred Taxes & Provisions | |||||||||||||||
Cash flow from operations | |||||||||||||||
Investing Activities | |||||||||||||||
capital expenditure | |||||||||||||||
Change in Investments | -875 | 875 | |||||||||||||
cash flow from investments | |||||||||||||||
Financing Activities | |||||||||||||||
Bank loans | |||||||||||||||
Group/Directors Accounts | |||||||||||||||
Other Short Term Loans | |||||||||||||||
Long term loans | |||||||||||||||
Hire Purchase and Lease Commitments | 15,083 | 58,232 | -48,643 | 8,517 | -31,545 | 19,622 | 9,410 | 87,143 | |||||||
other long term liabilities | -31,967 | -16,355 | -20,641 | 30,591 | -3,305 | -3,305 | -39,359 | 81,036 | |||||||
share issue | |||||||||||||||
interest | |||||||||||||||
cash flow from financing | |||||||||||||||
cash and cash equivalents | |||||||||||||||
cash | 393,784 | -1,061,671 | 755,864 | 280,020 | -54,287 | -1,094 | 92,182 | -183,675 | -229,578 | 354,372 | 80,206 | 55,553 | 55,553 | -77,619 | 91,833 |
overdraft | -55 | 55 | |||||||||||||
change in cash | 393,784 | -1,061,671 | 755,864 | 280,020 | -54,287 | -1,094 | 92,237 | -183,730 | -229,578 | 354,372 | 80,206 | 55,553 | 55,553 | -77,619 | 91,833 |
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curzon & company llp Ownership
CURZON & COMPANY LLP group structure
Curzon & Company Llp has no subsidiary companies.
Ultimate parent company
curzon & company llp directors
Curzon & Company Llp currently has 1 director, undefined undefined serving since - .
officer | country | age | start | end | role |
April 2023turnover
operating profit
gross margin
Turnover, or revenue, is the amount of sales generated by a company within the financial year.
Balance Sheet
April 2023net assets
total assets
net assets
Total assets minus all liabilities
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curzon & company llp company details
company number
incorporation date
September 2003
ultimate parent company
Total Exemption Full
last accounts submitted
April 2023
previous names
curzon & company (2003) llp (December 2003)
12-14 mason's avenue, london, EC2V 5BT
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curzon & company llp Charges & Mortgages
A charge, or mortgage, refers to the rights a company gives to a lender in return for a loan, often in the form of security given over business assets.
We found 4 charges/mortgages relating to curzon & company llp. Currently there are 1 open charges and 3 have been satisfied in the past.
curzon & company llp Capital Raised & Share Issues BETA
When a company issues new shares, e.g. to new investors following a funding round, it is required to notify Companies House within one month of making an allotment of shares.
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curzon & company llp Companies House Filings - See Documents
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