paulo da vinci limited Company Information
Group Structure
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Preparation and spinning of textile fibres
Registered Address
advantage house, abbey nurseries, monks walk, farnham, surrey, GU9 8HT
-paulo da vinci limited Estimated Valuation
This company has not yet filed any financial data but would you like to see what it could be worth today or in the future?
paulo da vinci limited Estimated Valuation
This company has not yet filed any financial data but would you like to see what it could be worth today or in the future?
paulo da vinci limited Estimated Valuation
This company has not yet filed any financial data but would you like to see what it could be worth today or in the future?
Paulo Da Vinci Limited Overview
Paulo Da Vinci Limited is a live company located in monks walk, farnham, GU9 8HT with a Companies House number of 01869633. It operates in the preparation and spinning of textile fibres sector, SIC Code 13100. Founded in December 1984, it's largest shareholder is unknown. Paulo Da Vinci Limited is a mature, unknown sized company, Pomanda has estimated its turnover at £0 with unknown growth in recent years.
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Paulo Da Vinci Limited Health Check
There is insufficient data available to calculate a health check for Paulo Da Vinci Limited. Company Health Check FAQs

0 Strong

0 Regular

0 Weak

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- - Paulo Da Vinci Limited
- - Industry AVG

There is insufficient data available for this Key Performance Indicator!
- - Paulo Da Vinci Limited
- - Industry AVG

There is insufficient data available for this Key Performance Indicator!
- Paulo Da Vinci Limited
- - Industry AVG

There is insufficient data available for this Key Performance Indicator!
- Paulo Da Vinci Limited
- - Industry AVG

There is insufficient data available for this Key Performance Indicator!
- - Paulo Da Vinci Limited
- - Industry AVG

Pay Structure
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- Paulo Da Vinci Limited
- - Industry AVG

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- Paulo Da Vinci Limited
- - Industry AVG

Debtor Days
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- Paulo Da Vinci Limited
- - Industry AVG

Creditor Days
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- Paulo Da Vinci Limited
- - Industry AVG

Stock Days
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- Paulo Da Vinci Limited
- - Industry AVG

Cash Balance
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- - Paulo Da Vinci Limited
- - Industry AVG

Debt Level
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- - Paulo Da Vinci Limited
- - Industry AVG
Paulo Da Vinci Limited has not filed any accounts at Companies House.
Data source: Companies House, Pomanda Estimates
Mar 2025 | The company has not filed any accounts at Companies House |
Mar 2025 | The company has not filed any accounts at Companies House |
Mar 2025 | The company has not filed any accounts at Companies House |
paulo da vinci limited Credit Report and Business Information
Paulo Da Vinci Limited Competitor Analysis

Perform a competitor analysis for paulo da vinci limited by selecting its closest rivals, whether from the MANUFACTURING sector, other mature companies, companies in GU9 area or any other competitors across 12 key performance metrics.
paulo da vinci limited Ownership
PAULO DA VINCI LIMITED group structure
Paulo Da Vinci Limited has no subsidiary companies.
Ultimate parent company
paulo da vinci limited directors
Paulo Da Vinci Limited currently has 1 director, Mr Terence Birch serving since May 1993.
officer | country | age | start | end | role |
Mr Terence Birch | 88 years | May 1993 | - | Director |
March 2025turnover
operating profit
gross margin
Turnover, or revenue, is the amount of sales generated by a company within the financial year.
Balance Sheet
March 2025net assets
total assets
net assets
Total assets minus all liabilities
paulo da vinci limited company details
company number
Private limited with Share Capital
13100 - Preparation and spinning of textile fibres
incorporation date
December 1984
ultimate parent company
Full Accounts
last accounts submitted
March 1992
previous names
advantage house, abbey nurseries, monks walk, farnham, surrey, GU9 8HT
Legal Advisor
paulo da vinci limited Charges & Mortgages
A charge, or mortgage, refers to the rights a company gives to a lender in return for a loan, often in the form of security given over business assets.
We found 3 charges/mortgages relating to paulo da vinci limited. Currently there are 1 open charges and 2 have been satisfied in the past.
paulo da vinci limited Capital Raised & Share Issues BETA
When a company issues new shares, e.g. to new investors following a funding round, it is required to notify Companies House within one month of making an allotment of shares.
Click to start generating capital raising & share issue transactions for PAULO DA VINCI LIMITED. This can take several minutes, an email will notify you when this has completed.
paulo da vinci limited Companies House Filings - See Documents
date | description | view/download |