Identify strengths and weaknesses with Pomanda's 12 Key Performance Indicators.
Find out if your business' health is trending up or down over time.
See how your business compares against the average company in the same industry.
Instant AccessInstant Access
Instant Access
Access a health check instantly for every UK company.
Key factors that affect the Health Check
There are 12 factors that influence the health of a business.
A company with larger sales often has greater purchasing power and influence.
From the information we have access to, do we think you are understaffed or overstaffed?
Debt Levels
A measure of how much a company owes compared to their total assets.
is this company on the rise, standing still or declining? Pomanda looks at the companies growth rate over 3 years.

How can I improve my business' health?

Our Health Check metrics work by benchmarking a company against its assigned sectors. This means some metrics can be thrown off if the industry a company is classified in is incorrect.

Our users are given the opportunity to change the industries they want to be compared with or a blend of a few sectors, improving the accuracy of the metrics. This is done by clicking on the "Update Industries" button. This update will only be viewable by the registered user who made it.

Our Health Check system is also underpinned by Companies House data which can often be a bit out of date. When new accounts are filed these updates will be reflected on the Health Check.

Keep an eye out for the "Update Figures" update coming soon, this will allow users to manually update their figures on their account to model how this affects their health check and see instant change.

For a full list of Health Check FAQs click here


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