James Gilchrist


82 years


0 active

21 prior

primary industry:

Creative, arts and entertainment activities

about James

Since 1989, Mr Gilchrist has been a director of 21 companies, the current directorship have a combined turnover of approximately £0.

Combined Valuation


Combined Turnover


active directorships over time

capital theatres£27m£142.3mJun 2000Sep 2001RetiredDirector
the edi group limited-£7.7mJun 1996Aug 2005RetiredDirector
edinburgh science ltd£2.7m£1.3mJun 1996Aug 1997RetiredDirector
w l ventures group limited£360.8k£913.8kAug 1989Sep 1997RetiredDirector

edinburgh, lothian and scottish borders screen industries office limited

£40.2k£32.4kAug 2002May 2003ClosedDirector
capital city homes--Jul 2003Apr 2004RetiredDirector
scottish life assurance company (the)--Oct 1994Jul 2003RetiredDirector
royal london pooled pensions company limited--Oct 1994Oct 2002RetiredDirector

frost brothers limited

--Mar 1994Mar 1996ClosedDirector

the scottish life guarantee company ltd.

--Mar 1989Jul 2003ClosedDirector

the scottish life property holdings limited

--Mar 1989-ClosedDirector

scottish life finance limited

--Nov 1996Jul 2003ClosedDirector

edi (industrial) limited

--Jun 1996Jul 2002ClosedDirector

scotlife commercial limited

--Feb 1990-ClosedDirector

the scottish life investment assurance company limited

--Jan 1993-ClosedDirector

projects (edinburgh) limited

--May 2003Aug 2005ClosedDirector

scotlife home loans limited

--Mar 1990Jul 2003ClosedDirector

scottish life asset managers limited

--Oct 1994Apr 2002ClosedDirector

royal london 360 holdings limited

--Jan 1999Jul 2003ClosedDirector

the scottish life investment management company limited

--Oct 1994Apr 2002ClosedDirector

the clarkson hill group plc

£17.6m-Jul 2003Aug 2005ClosedDirector