Vivien Nowell


77 years


0 active

86 prior

primary industry:

Office administrative, office support and other business support activities

about Vivien

Since 2004, Ms Nowell has been a director of 86 companies, the current directorship have a combined turnover of approximately £0.

Combined Valuation


Combined Turnover


active directorships over time


tech 1059 limited

£28.5k£99.9kOct 2005Jan 2006ClosedDirector

tech 1011 limited

£154.9k£63.6kApr 2005Jun 2005ClosedDirector

tech 1076 limited

£26.5k£35.9kMar 2006May 2006ClosedDirector

tech 1081 limited

£2.2k£25.5kMar 2006Jul 2006ClosedDirector

earthtec (north east) limited

£32.1k£15.7kFeb 2004Mar 2006ClosedDirector

tech 1077 limited

£44.7k£7.8kMar 2006Apr 2007ClosedDirector
ken geo-consulting limited£15.9k£7.5kMar 2006Apr 2007RetiredDirector

tech 1061 limited

£45.5k£7.5kDec 2005Jan 2006ClosedDirector
tech 1012 limited£40.2k£6.6kApr 2005Jul 2005RetiredDirector

payroll and accountancy services limited

£1k£2.6kMay 2007-ClosedDirector

tech 1043 limited

£926£91.9Aug 2005Oct 2005ClosedDirector

tech 1072 limited

£4.9£1.4Jan 2006Mar 2006ClosedDirector

tech 1048 limited

--Aug 2005Nov 2005ClosedDirector

tech 1056 limited

--Nov 2005Jan 2006ClosedDirector

tech 1003 limited

--Apr 2005Apr 2005ClosedDirector

tech 1021 limited

--Jul 2005Jul 2005ClosedDirector

tech 1025 limited

--Jul 2005Aug 2005ClosedDirector

tech 1071 limited

--Jan 2006-ClosedDirector

tech 1068 limited

--Jan 2006Feb 2006ClosedDirector

tech 1030 limited

--Jul 2005Aug 2005ClosedDirector

tech 1014 limited

--Apr 2005Jul 2005ClosedDirector

tech 1001 limited

--Apr 2005Apr 2005ClosedDirector

tech 1063 limited

--Dec 2005Feb 2006ClosedDirector

tech 1007 limited

--Apr 2005May 2005ClosedDirector

tech 1024 limited

--Jul 2005Aug 2005ClosedDirector