Thomas Michael Worthington


66 years


0 active

30 prior

primary industry:

Other professional, scientific and technical activities

about Thomas

Since 2002, Mr Worthington has been a director of 30 companies, the current directorship have a combined turnover of approximately £0.

Combined Valuation


Combined Turnover


active directorships over time


ibuildeco (north) ltd

£4k£5.9kSep 2011Jul 2013ClosedDirector

lifestyle research limited

--Sep 2002Sep 2007ClosedDirector

first call energy limited

--Aug 2012-ClosedDirector

debt solutions direct limited

--Apr 2005May 2007ClosedDirector

debt solutions in a box limited

--Apr 2005May 2007ClosedDirector

lifestyle residential funding limited

--Sep 2002Sep 2007ClosedDirector

nationwide money helpline limited

--Sep 2006May 2007ClosedDirector

earth property limited

--Dec 2006May 2007ClosedDirector

earth technology limited

--Oct 2004May 2007ClosedDirector

earth branding limited

--Oct 2005May 2007ClosedDirector

fast fan limited

--Oct 2004-ClosedDirector

d8tabase limited

--Sep 2002Sep 2007ClosedDirector

espy data limited

--May 2004-ClosedDirector

lifestyle retirement solutions ltd

--Mar 2005May 2007ClosedDirector

earth loans limited

--Mar 2003May 2007ClosedDirector

green energy developers ltd

--Nov 2011-ClosedDirector

personal money manager limited

--Sep 2006May 2007ClosedDirector

earth mortgages limited

--Mar 2003May 2007ClosedDirector

commercial money helpline limited

--Sep 2006May 2007ClosedDirector

lifestyle funding group limited

--Sep 2002Dec 2007ClosedDirector

student money helpline limited

--Nov 2006May 2007ClosedDirector

lifestyle finance limited

--Jun 2002Dec 2007ClosedDirector

lifestyle commercial funding limited

--Sep 2002Sep 2007ClosedDirector

business money helpline limited

--Aug 2006May 2007ClosedDirector

mad partnership limited

--Dec 2006May 2007ClosedDirector