Vinoy Rajanah Nursiah


51 years


0 active

139 prior

primary industry:

Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding

about Vinoy

Since 2009, Mr Nursiah has been a director of 139 companies, the current directorship have a combined turnover of approximately £0.

Combined Valuation


Combined Turnover


active directorships over time


wisbech pineapple plc

£19.2m£2.6bJan 2017Oct 2017ClosedDirector
barbados enterprises plc£24.5m£1.4bJan 2017Oct 2017RetiredDirector

ulysses (european loan conduit no. 27) plc

£26.3m£747.6mOct 2011-ClosedDirector

oat hill no.1 plc

£9.2m£420.6mApr 2017Oct 2017ClosedDirector

malt hill no.1 plc

£3.5m£383.1mFeb 2016Oct 2017ClosedDirector

motor 2015-1 plc

£21.6m£370.5mDec 2014Oct 2017ClosedDirector

dukinfield plc

£9.8m£327.1mSep 2015Oct 2017ClosedDirector

spiti plc

£48.2m£266.5mSep 2011-ClosedDirector

rmac 2005-ns3 plc

£3.3m£245.2mNov 2009Oct 2017ClosedDirector
pacific quay finance plc£8.8m£239.4mOct 2015Oct 2017RetiredDirector

rmac 2005-nsp2 plc

£3.9m£230.2mNov 2009Oct 2017ClosedDirector
juturna (european loan conduit no. 16) plc£38.2m£228.7mOct 2011Oct 2017RetiredDirector

oncilla mortgage funding 2016-1 plc

£6.7m£210mJan 2017Oct 2017ClosedDirector
white city property finance plc£24.1m£208.5mOct 2015Oct 2017RetiredDirector
rmac securities no. 1 plc£60.2m£199.7mNov 2009Oct 2017RetiredDirector

aggregator of loans backed by assets 2015-1 plc

£5.7m£197.8mJan 2017Oct 2017ClosedDirector

rmac 2004-nsp2 plc

£3.5m£180.4mNov 2009Oct 2017ClosedDirector

virgil mortgage no.1 plc

£14.4m£174.8mFeb 2013-ClosedDirector

performer financing plc

£30.3m£167.4mDec 2011-ClosedDirector

rmac 2005-ns1 plc

£2.5m£159.3mNov 2009Oct 2017ClosedDirector
oakbrook capital (i) plc£17.8m£152.2mJan 2017Oct 2017RetiredDirector

motor 2017-1 plc

£3.2m£147.8mJul 2017Oct 2017ClosedDirector

rmac 2004-nsp4 plc

£2.6m£122.7mNov 2009Oct 2017ClosedDirector

rmac 2005-ns4 plc

£1.9m£119.8mNov 2009Oct 2017ClosedDirector

cornhill mortgages no.2 limited

£4.1m£115.6mMar 2016Oct 2017ClosedDirector