Gregory Francis Kilmister


69 years


0 active

32 prior

primary industry:

Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis

about Gregory

Since 2011, Mr Kilmister has been a director of 32 companies, the current directorship have a combined turnover of approximately £0.

Combined Valuation


Combined Turnover


active directorships over time

als laboratories (uk) limited£98m£187.4mApr 2012Jul 2017RetiredDirector
als testing services (uk) limited-£141.7mJul 2011Jun 2017RetiredDirector

cbl finance (uk) limited

-£100.2mJan 2012Jun 2017ClosedDirector
als inspection uk limited£23m£95.3mSep 2011May 2017RetiredDirector

als environmental limited

£33m£48.9mFeb 2013Jun 2017ClosedDirector
stewart holdings management limited-£8.2mSep 2011Jun 2017RetiredDirector

eclipse scientific holdings limited

-£5.1mApr 2012Jul 2017ClosedDirector

hypergraph laboratory supplies limited

£1.3m£3mApr 2012Jul 2017ClosedDirector

aspland and james limited

-£2mApr 2012-ClosedDirector
als holdings group limited-£1.5mSep 2011Jun 2017RetiredDirector

international federation of inspection agencies limited(the)

£1.4m£735.3kApr 2012Jul 2017ClosedDirector

pms micro limited

-£439.3kApr 2012-ClosedDirector

devan laboratories limited

-£205.9kApr 2012-ClosedDirector
als group assayers limited--Sep 2011Jun 2017RetiredDirector
als uk (holdings) limited--Jul 2013Jun 2017RetiredDirector

british analytical control limited

--Apr 2012-ClosedDirector

kingmoor technical services limited

--Apr 2014-ClosedDirector

cbl finance (holdings) uk limited

--Jan 2012Jun 2017ClosedDirector

kingmoor technical holdings limited

--Apr 2014-ClosedDirector

on merit limited

--Apr 2012-ClosedDirector

reliance technical service ltd.

--May 2013-ClosedDirector

aspect scientific limited

--Apr 2012-ClosedDirector

labap limited

--Apr 2012-ClosedDirector

restec laboratories ltd

--Apr 2012-ClosedDirector

silverdell microbiology limited

--Apr 2012-ClosedDirector