Barry Paul Millsom


50 years


45 active

17 prior

primary industry:

Human health activities

about Barry

Since 2010, Mr Millsom has been a director of 62 companies, the current directorship have a combined turnover of approximately £684.4m.

Combined Valuation


Combined Turnover


active directorships over time

consolidated investment holdings limited£160.9m£192.5mOct 2013-OpenDirector
exchequer partnership plc£26m£134.5mSep 2014-OpenDirector
catalyst healthcare (manchester) holdings limited£84.9m£103.1mSep 2014-OpenDirector
calderdale hospital spc ltd£28.9m£89.9mSep 2014-OpenDirector
worcestershire hospital spc plc£63.9m£83.7mSep 2014-OpenDirector
catalyst healthcare (manchester) limited£84.9m£80.8mSep 2014-OpenDirector
exchequer partnership holdings limited£26m£72.1mSep 2014-OpenDirector
exchequer partnership (no.2) plc£22.6m£68.9mSep 2014-OpenDirector
exchequer partnership (no.2) holdings limited£22.6m£50.8mSep 2014-OpenDirector
st james's oncology spc ltd£31.7m£46.4mSep 2014-OpenDirector
st james's oncology spc holdings ltd-£43.9mSep 2014-OpenDirector
catalyst higher education (sheffield) plc£11.6m£34.2mFeb 2017-OpenDirector
south tyne & wear energy recovery ltd£29.2m£32.8mOct 2014-OpenDirector
south tyne & wear energy recovery holdings ltd£29.2m£32.8mOct 2014-OpenDirector
catalyst higher education (sheffield) holdings limited£11.6m£25mFeb 2017-OpenDirector
burnley general hospital phase v spc ltd£4.4m£7.3mSep 2014-OpenDirector
calderdale hospital spc holdings ltd-£6.6mSep 2014-OpenDirector
lancashire schools spc phase 1 ltd£8.5m£4.5mJan 2021-OpenDirector
birmingham schools spc phase 1a limited£4.4m£2.8mOct 2024-OpenDirector
birmingham schools spc holdings phase 1a ltd£4.4m£2.8mOct 2024-OpenDirector
lancashire schools spc phase 2a ltd£4.9m£2.5mJan 2021-OpenDirector
focuseducation (newcastle) limited£5.2m£2.3mOct 2024-OpenDirector
lancashire schools spc phase 2 ltd£3.5m£1.9mJan 2021-OpenDirector
civis pfi/ppp infrastructure fund general partner limited£1.4m£1.8mFeb 2016-OpenDirector
lancashire schools spc phase 3 ltd£3.3m£1.8mJan 2021-OpenDirector