Anthony Hugh Smith


62 years


166 active

34 prior

primary industry:

Other professional, scientific and technical activities

about Anthony

Since 2018, Mr Smith has been a director of 200 companies, the current directorship have a combined turnover of approximately £1.3b.

Combined Valuation


Combined Turnover


active directorships over time

invitrogen europe limited-£51.8bNov 2018-OpenDirector
invitrogen holdings limited-£21.9bNov 2018-OpenDirector
matrix microscience limited-£20.5bNov 2018-OpenDirector
wildcat acquisition holdings (uk) limited-£11.8bApr 2023-OpenDirector
synexus clinical research topco limited-£11.1bMar 2023-OpenDirector
thermo fisher scientific life technologies investment uk i limited-£9.9bNov 2018-OpenDirector
ppd international holdings (uk) ltd.-£5.1bMar 2023-OpenDirector
erie gc limited-£4.8bMay 2020-OpenDirector
erie gc limited-£4.8bMay 2020-OpenDirector
thermo fisher scientific life technologies investment uk ii limited-£4.6bNov 2018-OpenDirector
thermo fisher scientific life technologies enterprise holding limited-£4.5bNov 2018-OpenDirector
ppd international investments limited-£3.8bMar 2023-OpenDirector
thermo fisher scientific life holdings limited-£3.4bNov 2018-OpenDirector
erie uk 1 limited-£2.4bNov 2018-OpenDirector
thermo fisher scientific blade ii limited-£2.1bFeb 2023-OpenDirector
thermo fisher scientific blade i limited-£2bJan 2023-OpenDirector
lambtrack limited-£2bNov 2018-OpenDirector
thermo fisher scientific blade iii limited£904k£1.9bFeb 2023-OpenDirector
erie finance limited-£1.9bNov 2018-OpenDirector
ppd uk holdings limited-£1.8bMar 2023-OpenDirector
fisher scientific uk holding company limited-£1.7bNov 2018-OpenDirector
erie u.k. limited-£1.5bNov 2018-OpenDirector
thermo fisher scientific odyssey holdings limited-£1.5bNov 2018-OpenDirector
thermo fisher scientific blade iv limited-£1.5bFeb 2023-OpenDirector
helmet securities limited-£1.2bNov 2018-OpenDirector