Olivia Hinds


31 years


46 active

0 prior

primary industry:

Construction of buildings

about Olivia

Since 2023, Ms Hinds has been a director of 46 companies, the current directorship have a combined turnover of approximately £49.8m.

Combined Valuation


Combined Turnover


active directorships over time

gazeley mk 520 limited-£72.1mJan 2025-OpenDirector
glp lutterworth mps 1 limited£4.3m£72.1mJul 2023-OpenDirector
kesslers properties north limited£525k£51.8mJul 2023-OpenDirector
emerald lutterworth phase 3 ltd£6.4m£39.7mJul 2023-OpenDirector
glp lutterworth mps 9 limited-£35.4mJul 2023-OpenDirector
gazeley mk 510 limited-£24.9mJan 2025-OpenDirector
glp lutterworth mps 7 limited£2.2m£24.5mJul 2023-OpenDirector
glp lutterworth mps 6 limited£1.8m£20.8mJul 2023-OpenDirector
kesslers properties south limited£295k£19.8mJul 2023-OpenDirector
gazeley midway park 2 ltd£2m£18.1mJan 2025-OpenDirector
pearl enfield limited£1.2m£12.9mJan 2025-OpenDirector
gazeley midway park 3 ltd£1.4m£12.7mJan 2025-OpenDirector
glp lutterworth mpn 2 limited£3.7m£12.4mJul 2023-OpenDirector
pearl mk 330 limited£1.8m£12.2mJan 2025-OpenDirector
gazeley northampton 3 limited£860.1k£9.5mJan 2025-OpenDirector
glp lutterworth mpn 4 limited£2.2m£9.2mJul 2023-OpenDirector
gazeley northampton 4 limited£737.3k£7.8mJan 2025-OpenDirector
pearl lutterworth 4400 limited£2.1m£7.2mJan 2025-OpenDirector
gazeley northampton 2 limited£520.6k£6.6mJan 2025-OpenDirector
gazeley mk 340 limited-£6.4mJan 2025-OpenDirector
gazeley lutterworth 4400 limited-£6.2mJan 2025-OpenDirector
pearl lutterworth 2110 limited£1.1m£6.1mJan 2025-OpenDirector
gazeley midway park 1 ltd£598.3k£5.7mJan 2025-OpenDirector
glp lutterworth mps 8 limited£2.6m£5.5mJul 2023-OpenDirector
pearl mk 340 limited£698.6k£5.5mJan 2025-OpenDirector