68% Micro
26% Small
4% Mid
2% Large
0% Mega
UK Textiles & Fabrics Industry Information
The textile manufacturing industry involves the preparation and spinning of textile fibres, textile weaving and also the finishing of textiles and wearing apparel.
Active Businesses
Annual Sales
£8bn +
Economic Contribution
68% Micro
26% Small
4% Mid
2% Large
0% Mega
28% Young
27% Mature
24% Established
20% Startup
0% New
36% Declining
25% Healthy
15% High
15% Rapid
9% Low
Textiles & Fabrics Industry Competitive Environment - New Entrants vs Leavers
Textiles & Fabrics Industry Valuation
EBITDA Multiple
Textiles & Fabrics Industry Valuation
Turnover Multiple
Textiles & Fabrics Industry Valuation
Net Asset Multiple
There are 4,963 active Businesses in the UK with combined annual sales of £8 billion .
The Industry employs around 49,805 people and contributes £2 billion to the economy.
The most popular location for Textiles & Fabrics companies is London with 939 and the fewest are located in Northern Ireland with 95.
The largest Textiles & Fabrics company is Burberry Limited with a turnover of £2bn. 68% of the industry is comprised of Micro companies with only 4% Mid companies.
20% of the Textiles & Fabrics Industry is made up of 20% Startup but the majority are Young businesses (28%) the oldest company is The Samnuggur Jute Factory Company Limited founded in 1874.
Textiles & Fabrics industry has a number of high growth companies (15%), the fastest growing company is Balta Floorcovering Uk Limited with a 3 year growth rate of 231%. Other fast growing companies include Design Go Limited (114%), Airbase Uk Interiors Ltd (54%) and Shd Holdings Limited (44%).
The UK Textiles & Fabrics Industry’s valuation has been improving over the past 3 years with a current EBITDA multiple of 8.45x, Turnover multiple of 0.74x and a Net Asset multiple of 1.78x.