75% Micro
22% Small
2% Mid
1% Large
0% Mega
UK Machinery Servicing Industry Information
The repair and maintenance industry involves the specialised repair of manufactured goods, the restoration of machinery, equipment and other products to working order as well as general or routine maintenance and servicing.
Active Businesses
Annual Sales
£25bn +
Economic Contribution
75% Micro
22% Small
2% Mid
1% Large
0% Mega
34% Established
27% Young
22% Mature
18% Startup
0% New
33% Declining
25% Healthy
17% High
15% Rapid
10% Low
Machinery Servicing Industry Competitive Environment - New Entrants vs Leavers
Machinery Servicing Industry Valuation
EBITDA Multiple
Machinery Servicing Industry Valuation
Turnover Multiple
Machinery Servicing Industry Valuation
Net Asset Multiple
There are 25,823 active Businesses in the UK with combined annual sales of £25 billion .
The Industry employs around 132,352 people and contributes £8 billion to the economy.
The most popular location for Machinery Servicing companies is South East England with 3,702 and the fewest are located in Northern Ireland with 628.
The largest Machinery Servicing company is Vodafone Limited with a turnover of £5.8bn. 75% of the industry is comprised of Micro companies with only 2% Mid companies.
18% of the Machinery Servicing Industry is made up of 18% Startup but the majority are Established businesses (34%) the oldest company is Berthon Boat Company Limited founded in 1877.
Machinery Servicing industry has a number of high growth companies (15%), the fastest growing company is Canadian Solar Sses (Uk) Ltd with a 3 year growth rate of 219%. Other fast growing companies include Sts Aviation Services Uk Limited (86%), Ethosenergy (Mea) Limited (72%) and Ormazabal Uk Limited (66%).
The UK Machinery Servicing Industry’s valuation has been improving over the past 3 years with a current EBITDA multiple of 11.62x, Turnover multiple of 1.35x and a Net Asset multiple of 2.91x.