Philippa Jill Olivier Harris


57 years


26 active

11 prior

primary industry:

Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities

about Philippa

Since 2003, Dame Harris has been a director of 37 companies, the current directorship have a combined turnover of approximately £72.6m.

Combined Valuation


Combined Turnover


active directorships over time

neal street productions limited£30.7m£122.2mApr 2003-OpenDirector
the charleston trust (bloomsbury in sussex)£3m£70mJan 2016-OpenDirector
ctm13 productions limited£19.9m£7mJan 2023-OpenDirector
ctm 12 productions limited£18.9m£5.6mJan 2022-OpenDirector
nsm empire ltd£-266.2k£464.3kJun 2021-OpenDirector
ctm 11 productions limited£9k£140.8kFeb 2021-OpenDirector
ctm 8 productions limited£58k£44.1kSep 2017-OpenDirector
neal street productions (broadway) limited-£36.6kMar 2018-OpenDirector
ctm 6 productions limited£41k£29.3kDec 2015-OpenDirector
ctm 7 productions limited£27.8k£27.9kOct 2016-OpenDirector
ctm 4 productions limited£42.2k£23.4kNov 2013-OpenDirector
ctm 5 productions limited£29.3k£23kJan 2015-OpenDirector
ctm 3 productions limited£32.6k£21.1kJan 2013-OpenDirector
merton books limited£75.5k£19kJul 2022-OpenDirector
ctm 10 productions limited£9.3k£11.6kJan 2020-OpenDirector
ctm productions limited£33.9k£9.2kJan 2011-OpenDirector
ctm 9 productions limited£9.3k£9.1kSep 2018-OpenDirector
informer productions limited-£1.5Apr 2017-OpenDirector
stateside productions limited-£1.5Nov 2015-OpenDirector
nsm faraway limited-£1.4Oct 2020-OpenDirector
penny dreadful television limited£9.2£1.4May 2013-OpenDirector
ctm 14 productions limited-£1.3Feb 2024-OpenDirector
shakespeare productions limited-£0.1Oct 2010-OpenDirector
neal street media limited£169.2k-Sep 2019-OpenDirector
ctm 15 productions limited--Feb 2025-OpenDirector