UK Architectural & Engineering Industry

UK Architectural & Engineering Industry Information

The architectural and engineering industry provides architectural, engineering, building inspection, surveying, mapping services and other analytical testing services.

Active Businesses


Annual Sales

£59bn +



Economic Contribution 



Location of Architectural & Engineering Companies

Architectural & Engineering Companies by Size

87% Micro

11% Small

1% Mid

0% Large

0% Mega

Largest Architectural & Engineering Companies
Architectural & Engineering Companies by Age

34% Young

28% Established

24% Startup

13% Mature

0% New

Fastest Growing Architectural & Engineering Companies

39% Declining

22% Healthy

16% Rapid

14% High

10% Low

Architectural & Engineering Industry Competitive Environment - New Entrants vs Leavers

Architectural & Engineering Industry Valuation

EBITDA Multiple

Data only available to Pomanda Pro subscribers.

Architectural & Engineering Industry Valuation

Turnover Multiple

Data only available to Pomanda Pro subscribers.

Architectural & Engineering Industry Valuation

Net Asset Multiple

Data only available to Pomanda Pro subscribers.

Note - from March 2020 multiples are calculated monthly, prior to this they were calculated on an annual basis.
UK Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis Industry Insights

There are 78,938 active Businesses in the UK with combined annual sales of  £59 billion .

The Industry employs around 410,562 people and contributes £27 billion to the economy.

The most popular location for Architectural & Engineering companies is London with 16,245 and the fewest are located in Northern Ireland with 1,257.

The largest Architectural & Engineering company is Johnson Matthey Plc with a turnover of £12.8bn. 87% of the industry is comprised of Micro companies with only 1% Mid companies.

13% of the Architectural & Engineering Industry is made up of 13% Mature but the majority are Young businesses (34%) the oldest company is West Yorkshire Society Of Architects founded in 1885.

Architectural & Engineering industry has a number of high growth companies (14%), the fastest growing company is Kintail Trustees Limited with a 3 year growth rate of 466%. Other fast growing companies include Arup International Projects Limited (266%), Silverstream Technologies (Uk) Limited (123%) and Mcadam Group Limited (118%).

The UK Architectural & Engineering Industry’s valuation has been improving over the past 3 years with a current EBITDA multiple of 11.84x, Turnover multiple of 1.46x and a Net Asset multiple of 3.08x.