75% Micro
19% Small
3% Mid
2% Large
0% Mega
UK Travel Agency & Booking Industry Information
The travel industry is engaged in selling travel, tour, transportation and accommodation services, arranging tours that are sold through travel agencies or tour operators and other travel-related services including reservations, tourist guides and tourism promotion activities.
Active Businesses
Annual Sales
£43bn +
Economic Contribution
75% Micro
19% Small
3% Mid
2% Large
0% Mega
33% Young
27% Established
23% Startup
17% Mature
0% New
37% Rapid
29% Declining
15% High
14% Healthy
5% Low
Travel Agency & Booking Industry Competitive Environment - New Entrants vs Leavers
Travel Agency & Booking Industry Valuation
EBITDA Multiple
Travel Agency & Booking Industry Valuation
Turnover Multiple
Travel Agency & Booking Industry Valuation
Net Asset Multiple
There are 15,059 active Businesses in the UK with combined annual sales of £43 billion .
The Industry employs around 103,636 people and contributes £13 billion to the economy.
The most popular location for Travel Agency & Booking companies is London with 5,536 and the fewest are located in Northern Ireland with 150.
The largest Travel Agency & Booking company is Tui Uk Limited with a turnover of £5.7bn. 75% of the industry is comprised of Micro companies with only 3% Mid companies.
17% of the Travel Agency & Booking Industry is made up of 17% Mature but the majority are Young businesses (33%) the oldest company is Althams Travel Services Limited founded in 1894.
Travel Agency & Booking industry has a number of high growth companies (14%), the fastest growing company is Gold Medal Travel Group Limited with a 3 year growth rate of 307%. Other fast growing companies include Imagine Cruising Limited (296%), Easyjet Holidays Limited (285%) and Travelbag Limited (255%).
The UK Travel Agency & Booking Industry’s valuation has been improving over the past 3 years with a current EBITDA multiple of 9.96x, Turnover multiple of 1.87x and a Net Asset multiple of 2.80x.