Pomanda Api



Pomanda's REST API service provides advanced search capabilities and access to detailed information on every UK business, director and industry. Customers can select from our many APIs to find the services that best meet their data needs.


We anticipate that over time new features and data points may be added to our API collection. We will always endeavour to inform API users of any changes and utilise version control with backwards compatibility, to ensure existing API's remain in operation.

Quick Start

All users will require a user Id and password to begin using the Pomanda API. Email help@pomanda.com to get access or if you have any issues with using the service.

All of our requests require a valid authentication token. This can be generated using an /authenticate POST request with your user ID & password (case-sensitive) in the POST body.

Use the authentication token in an Authorization header on all other Pomanda API calls.


Production base url - https://data-service.pomanda.com/v1

Sandbox base url - https://data-service.sandbox.pomanda.com/v1